About Cantonment College Jashore

'Cantonment College Jashore' is the first college established by the Directorate of Military Lands and Cantonments under the Ministry of Defence. The college started its journey in two small rooms of Dawood Public School with a total of 5 students including 3 Bengalis students on 1 July 1969. Captain Karim Uddin Ahmed served as the first principal of the college. Later in 1983, the college was shifted from Dawood Public School campus to the present campus. BA, BSS, BCom and BSc courses were opened in 1995 to meet the expectations of parents of all levels. The contribution of former Army Chief (Late) General Md. Mustafizur Rahman, BB, NDC, PSC regarding the launch of Graduate (Honors) Courses and construction of important infrastructure is undeniable. Under his inspiration, Bachelor (Honours) courses were started in 1996 and Post Graduate courses in 1999 under the National University. Thus the college gradually became a higher learning institution. In 2003, in the first year of introduction of GPA in higher secondary class, a girl student of the college achieved the honor of getting GPA 5 as the only student from Jessore Education Board. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its establishment, the 'Golden Jubilee'…

Message From The Chairman

Cantonment College Jashore is one of the best educational institutes in South Bengal, an institution that sows the dreams of promising young students. Humans are naturally attracted to beauty and art and thus possess a healthy and sound mind. Cantonment College Jashore is fulfilling its responsibility to develop healthy, clear and latent budding talents of young students through traditional curricular education as well as co-curricular activities. Modern age is the age of science and technology. To keep pace with this era by incorporating human values, it is necessary to prepare according to the age, and this preparation requires rigorous practice. This institution is leading the way so that young students can be inspired by the motherly feeling towards the country and take the country to the pinnacle of success. Based on this formula, students will find the right path in individual, social and state life. May the glorious progress of Cantonment College Jashore continue. May Allah help us. Read More

Brigadier General Sardar Istiaq Ahmed
AFWC, PSC, G President, College Board of Directors and Commander 55 Artillery Brigade Jashore Cantonment President, Cantonment College Jashore

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2 Jul, 2024
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